
Hello readers!!  Welcome back!

Samples in India? Beauty samples?.....Yup!

This post is all about how one tiny hesitant email got me decent amount of beauty related samples from our beloved herbal brand HIMALAYA HERBALS!
How I received Free Samples from HIMALAYA HERBALS!!!

So yeah, I love free stuff, I mean who doesn't? That too beauty samples?....Hell yeah!!

Distributing samples to gain popularity and for promotional reasons is very common in the west, but in India? not so much. Or that's what I thought. Boy was I wrong.

I tried all the available methods, kept track of websites where sample adds get posted, Newsletters etc
But all this can be very exhausting you know....and also
takes time.

I love HIMALAYA HERBALS...like loads and loads and loads. I have been using their products from a long time. They provide great quality products at reasonable prices. They are a herbal brand, which is great!!!

So how it happened....

One day, as I was lounging around, hogging food...I decided why not try reaching out to them personally.

So I wrote an email talking about how I love their products and asked them to send me some samples, clicked send and completely forgot about it. I mean, such a big company dealing with such a huge client base, responding to a weak sample request email? Highly Unlikely!

But, I was wrong. Within a day I got a response saying they appreciate my feedback and asked me to give my mail address so that they can send some samples!!!!!!


After a day of giving my Mail information, came a bunch of stuff from Himalaya herbals!....It was so quick and decent number of products too!

Mind you, I asked for samples as a customer....Not even as a blogger. They could have easily ignored my request, but they didn't and that's what makes customers happy and be loyal to the brand. So this is how I received some awesome samples.

Update:Want to know how I approached Himalaya herbals?

Go here ---> How to email companies asking for samples

Thanks for reading my rant,
*Want a haul of my products?, please comment I will surely post about it.

*Want to know how I approached Himalaya herbals?
 Let me know I will tell you how to write an email to companies asking for samples.

*Have you received samples like this from any other brand? 
Please comment, I would love to know! 

For any queries : comment or email me to

Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored in any way, It merely states my appreciation towards this brand.

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Along with Lip balm, Cute stuff, one of my favourite Items is Body Lotion!
I have Normal-to dry skin, sometimes too dry,so I always have a good, trusty Body lotion by my side at all times. 

Today I will be reviewing on of my most favourites:

Vaseline Intensive Care Cocoa Glow Body Lotion

It looks like this : 

REVIEW Vaseline Intensive Care Cocoa Glow Body Lotion  Swatches

REVIEW Vaseline Intensive Care Cocoa Glow Body Lotion  Swatches

REVIEW Vaseline Intensive Care Cocoa Glow Body Lotion  Swatches

Available on Amazon ->  Vaseline Intensive Care Cocoa

My thoughts:


  • The body is of chocolate colour, absolutely delightful to the eyes! Clearly hinting that its of chocolate flavour!
  • Because of this design its very easy to spot it and pick it right of the shelf!

  • This is one of my favourite feature of this lotion...which makes me repurchase it again and again.
  • I love chocolate and this lotion gives out a faint, musky, warm fragrance that just soothes you in a beautiful way.
  • After application, a milder version of the scent still remains for a long time, which is a huge plus because it feels great as its not strong but mild.


REVIEW Vaseline Intensive Care Cocoa Glow Body Lotion  Swatches

  • This is the kind of Body lotion which provides heavy moisturising with its thick texture. Its texture is thick enough to give a good moisturising effect on our skin - which means that it does its job well
  • It would be perfect for overnight use as you are sure to wake up with softer,smoother skin!
  • Using it regularly will no doubt make out skin smooth.

I use this Body Lotion for special occasion, to pamper myself, to make myself special. Be it after a long day of work or after a dull exam, this is one thing I use to Instantly lift my mood.

The fragrance, moisturising effect of this Body lotion just appeals to me too much 

Overall I think this is a good buy for women to pamper themselves and also get smooth skin as well plus the awesomeness of Chocolate!

What is your Favourite Body Lotion? Comment Below!

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Hello readers!!

So I was just strolling the Beauty section in a super market one day and came across a buy one get one free offer and just could not resist myself. 
So this way I bought the Nivea Fruity shine Lip balm in cherry.

This is how it looks:

REVIEW Nivea Fruity Shine lip balm in Cherry with Swatches

REVIEW Nivea Fruity Shine lip balm in Cherry with Swatches

REVIEW Nivea Fruity Shine lip balm in Cherry with Swatches

My thoughts about this product:

  • It comes in a cute little tube shaped formed, with cherry written clearly indicating which variant it is.
  • The Product moves in a roll-up roll-down fashion and I have never experienced any problem with it. 
  • It comes in rich cherry colour, quite dark I must say, but looks very good.
  • This colour looks good on people of almost all complexion.
  • The shine makes applying very easy and smooth, giving it a glossy kind of look.
Staying power:
  • Staying power is quite less compared to other products that I have tried, but I don't really mind re-applying after 1-2 hrs.
Ease of use:
  • The packaging is so cute that its a delight carrying it around in purses,hand bags, pouches etc.
REVIEW Nivea Fruity Shine lip balm in Cherry with Swatches

REVIEW Nivea Fruity Shine lip balm in Cherry with Swatches

REVIEW Nivea Fruity Shine lip balm in Cherry with Swatches

Overall I think its a good buy and is perfect for college going girls who need a tint of pink but at affordable price :)

Available on Amazon -> Nivea Lip Balm Cheryy

What else do you like about this product? Leave a comment below!!

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Hi Everyone!!

Welcome to my first Blog post!!
I'm so excited!

Maybelline came out with the impressive Baby lips lip balm collection last year which was a super hit in the market.There are five tinted variations and two colourless variations in this collection.


Pink Lolita
Rose addict
Berry Crush
Cherry kiss
Coral Flush 

I will be reviewing Pink Lolita today....

REVIEW Maybelline Baby lips balm Pink Lolita

My Experience

* I have slightly dark coloured lips so prefer light shade products.....I took a chance on pink lolita and I must say it paid off.

(I would have posted swatches and different angles of the product if I still had it, my tube is completely empty :D)


It comes in this cute baby pink tube, with roll-up roll-down fashion.


Its pure bright soft pink which just looks amazing, perfect for daily use.

Just the right amount of tint, without looking too much.


Its texture is so so smooth, very easy to apply. Stays for a looooong time (for me it used to be 3-5hr). Even after the colour wears off the moisture content of the balm still remains.    

Ease of use

Since it comes in a tube form, its very handy,easy to carry around in our purses, hand bangs. The roller of the tube can be a little faulty sometimes but we can get used to it.


Product of this quality at this price is a catch....especially for college going girls.

It is worth trying at least one variant of this range.

Overall I rate this product 4.5 out of 5. Trust me this product blew my socks off.

Would I Re-purchase this? YES

Available on Amazon -> Baby Lips Pink Lolita

May be in a different shade, I so wanna try out more of this range!

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