Showing posts with label Sunglasses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sunglasses. Show all posts


Hey people!
Welcome back!

As you can tell form the Title, today's post is going to be all about Sunglasses

We ladies have a lot to choose from when it comes Shades or Glares as they call them,

Be it Aviators which are all time classics or Flash reflectors which so in trend,

It is safe to say that we have a decision to make.
No need to worry, today's post covers all about Sunglasses,

Let’s get on to it then


As I have already mentions, these cuties are All-Time-Classics.

They have been in trend for a LONG Time and I don’t think, anything is going to change that.

They are easy to style, carry and look good on everyone.

Recent entry of Reflector aviators in different colors has made everyone beg for more!

Club Masters (Horn Rimmed)

When these dropped in to market, everybody lost their mind.

They became a huge hit, as they looked very sophisticated and gave a polished look.

Celebrities like Tom Cruise and other Big shots were spotted styling them which added to the popularity

These come in reflectors too, and are still in trend


Sunglasses of Round shape need not suit everybody, so we have to be bit careful

People with certain face shapes Rock Round Glares, others not so much

However, these do add that Chic, Quirky look that everyone craves

Framed, Reflectors, Cat eye are some of the unique designs available for Round Sunglasses


Shades of square size are over sized, take up half of our face

However, over sized look is famous and followed by many celebrities

Certain face shapes can look diva with these, whereas on others they are too much

With a little bit a research, a little glam, anyone can rock these Trendy ones

Metal Bridge

The most recent and most Trendy are the Metal Bridge Sunglasses

These have made the most noise among the youngsters and Trendy people

Everyone these days can be seen sporting these cute designs

These are so in trend that, they are available for all shapes like

Oval, Cat eye, Round, Rectangle etc.
Now that you know which Must Haves are, you can happily shop away these beauties

Which was your favorite from the list? Comment below!

Hope you liked the Post,

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*Collaborative Post*