Showing posts with label MaEarthBotanicals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MaEarthBotanicals. Show all posts


Welcome back, Readers!!

So, I'm sure most of us ladies have tried a million different Hair Care products to find that perfect one which suits us right.

I'm no different.

I'm always on the hunt for Hair Care products which will make my hair shiny, smooth, long, bouncy all at the same time!!!

Amidst all this, we forget about the amount of chemicals we are going through in order to achieve that perfect hair!!

In this hunt of mine, I came across this brand called "Ma Earth Botanicals" and was amazed by the affect their products had on me.

Review Hair Cleanser and Hair Conditioner by Ma Earth Botanicals

Today I bring you Reviews of Quality Hair care products from Ma Earth Botanicals.

About the Brand

Natural * Hand crafted * Simple * Honest

Ma's passion is to enhance and encourage a more natural and holistic path towards health, beauty and overall well-being.

More on the Brand..........

Ma Earth Botanicals core belief is that we are made of Mother Earth’s elements. 

Ma, is the loving sustainer and nourisher of all.
 Natural substances from Ma reinforce the cosmos within us.
Your skin is ‘alive’,

 and for it to stay naturally healthy Ma has created a range beauty products that are made from botanical extracts which are balanced, full of life and extremely nourishing

Such Strong are their beliefs, this is what amazes me about their brand. Their faith in Mother Nature, sheer dedication is admiring!

Ma earth Botanicals --> Website

Lets get on with the reveiw....

1. Hair Cleanser

It looks like this:
Review Hair Cleanser and Hair Conditioner by Ma Earth Botanicals

Review Hair Cleanser and Hair Conditioner by Ma Earth Botanicals

Review Hair Cleanser and Hair Conditioner by Ma Earth Botanicals

Review Hair Cleanser and Hair Conditioner by Ma Earth Botanicals

Review Hair Cleanser and Hair Conditioner by Ma Earth Botanicals

Price: INR 775 for 7.7 Oz /330 ml

Available on Amazon - Here

  • The Hair Cleanser comes in a Rectangular clear bottle, with secure silver cap.
  • Overall it looks very Classy and like something which serves its purpose.
  • The Liquid is Translucent Brown in colour, of thicker consistency.

  • It smells minty, cool and clinical at the same time.
  • I was kind of put off by the "clinical" feeling in the beginning but later found that it actually helps feeling calm and cool while using it in the shower
  • So the minty, cool and Clinical thing is a good Combination!!

  • It has thick consistency as said before, not much of lather is given out when mixed with water.
  • Quite a good amount of liquid is required to have a good cleanse!
  • Hair is super clean and soft after usage!!

2. Hair Conditioner

It looks like this
Review Hair Cleanser and Hair Conditioner by Ma Earth Botanicals

Review Hair Cleanser and Hair Conditioner by Ma Earth Botanicals

Review Hair Cleanser and Hair Conditioner by Ma Earth Botanicals

Review Hair Cleanser and Hair Conditioner by Ma Earth Botanicals

Price: INR 675 for 7.7 Oz /330 ml

  • The Hair Conditioner too comes in a Rectangular clear bottle, with secure white cap, which opens in tic tac fashion.
  • The Liquid is Opaque Light Brow in colour, of thicker consistency.

  • It smells minty, cool and kinda girly.
  • It blends in fragrance wise with Hair Cleanser and gives an overall calming, soothing feeling.

  • It has thick consistency, gives lot of lather when mixed with water.
  • Little quantity is enough to condition hair.
  • It makes hair very very very smooth, this just blew me away!! 
  • No product has ever made my hair so smooth!!

  • Naturally Hand crafted
  • Serves its Purpose
  • Contains no chemicals
  • Stylish Packaging
  • Ample quantity for the specified price
  • Easy to use
  • Some might have a problem with the fragrance
  • Quite Expensive

Overall I like the products, they are worth the try. 

You wont be disappointed as they are made of Natural Ingredients and are great quality.

Ma earth Botanicals --> Website

Which are your favourite Hair products?
 Do comment below!!

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****Samples received for PR purpose but it is a Honest Review****