Showing posts with label CosmeticJunction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CosmeticJunction. Show all posts


Hey, you people!! 
Welcome back to my Blog!!

Today I bring you a brand new post about my most favourite product, Yup! you guessed it right...
Natural LIP BALMS by Cosmetic Junction Get Soft, Pink Lips in minutes

And that to none other then the most popular Natural cosmetic Brand-->

Imagine my surprise when I realised that I would collaborate with them!! 
Trust me, I was beyond Happy! 

Instagram Handle:  @cosmetic_junction

If you don't know about them already --> You are missing out, BIG time!

So stay tuned as I list out all that I loved about their products.

About the brand:

Cosmetic Junction is an exotic destination offering an exclusive range of everyday essentials.
Has make up become mundane? 
Has bathing become boring? 

Time to cheer up! CJ is here to elevate your daily routines to a new level, leaving you exultant with an enticing glow and fragrance. 

What makes it special? 
"Earthy elements create ethereal beauty". 
We have redefined the concept of cosmetics by disassociating toxic chemicals from it and making it plant powered. 
So, if you want to go green, your first stop has to be Cosmetic Junction. 

Could it get any better? 
Absolutely yes! Every person is different with different skin textures and tones and with love for different fragrances.
 Apart from our already existing wide range of cosmetics, we also offer tailor-made cosmetics to cater to you special needs.

Now, the Lip balms that I received were,
  • Strawberry
  • Orange
  • Grapefruit
  • Peppermint
Before moving on to the review, lets check out some details of these lip balms.....

Cosmetic Junction's Lip Balm
-SPF 15 
-No preservatives 
Goodness Inside: Candellia wax, Shea butter, Virgin Almond oil,Vitamin-E,Carrot seed oil,respective essential oil. 
Shelf life: 6-8 months. 
MRP: INR 100 
Flavors available: Orange, Lemon, Grapefruit, Lavender, Peppermint, Strawberry, Coconut Rose.

Lets get on with the review.....

They look like this:
Natural LIP BALMS by Cosmetic Junction,Get Soft, Pink Lips in minutes
Natural LIP BALMS by Cosmetic Junction,Get Soft, Pink Lips in minutes
Natural LIP BALMS by Cosmetic Junction,Get Soft, Pink Lips in minutes

  • Lip balms from Cosmetic Junction come in sleek black tubes, which operates in roll-up roll-down fashion.
  • This is one of the coolest Packaging I have seen for a lip balm, I feel so Fierce when I'm applying them!!!
  • Because of this, Its easier to find them among our other lip balms
  • Over all, when it comes to Packaging, Its 10 on 10 :D
Natural LIP BALMS by Cosmetic Junction,Get Soft, Pink Lips in minutes

Natural LIP BALMS by Cosmetic Junction,Get Soft, Pink Lips in minutes


Natural LIP BALMS by Cosmetic Junction,Get Soft, Pink Lips in minutes

Natural LIP BALMS by Cosmetic Junction,Get Soft, Pink Lips in minutes

Natural LIP BALMS by Cosmetic Junction,Get Soft, Pink Lips in minutes

Natural LIP BALMS by Cosmetic Junction,Get Soft, Pink Lips in minutes

Natural LIP BALMS by Cosmetic Junction,Get Soft, Pink Lips in minutes


Natural LIP BALMS by Cosmetic Junction,Get Soft, Pink Lips in minutes

Natural LIP BALMS by Cosmetic Junction,Get Soft, Pink Lips in minutes

  • Each variant has a different fragrance, so I have listed them out for you below....
Strawberry: Sweet fruity fragrance 
Orange:   Musky Orange-y fragrance
Grapefruit: Fruity fragrance
Peppermint: Minty awesome-est fragrance 
(My favourite)

  • Every fragrance is light, refreshing and totally wearable
  • The fragrance fades away or becomes mild after a while, so its perfect for day to day use.

The texture, staying power, feel, varies from one flavour to another, so I have listed them as well for you......
  • Strawberry, Grapefruit, Peppermint are very light on lips where as Orange is more thicker and provides a different kind of moisturising.
  • It feels really good on the lips, I can feel my lips are more softer now :D
  • All lip balms stay for about 1 to 2 hrs (for me)
  • To be frank, I don't even care about staying power, Because I love re-applying these lippies as they feel amazing!!

  • Contains Natural Ingredients and Essential oils
  • Ingredients are correctly mentioned
  • Light on the lips
  • Superb Packaging
  • Good Moisturising
  • Easy to carry around
  • Affordable
  • Serves purpose,Worth the money!!
One tiny thing, I found it difficult initially to differentiate between the different flavours as they don't mention their names on tube.

But COSMETIC JUNCTION is working on their labelling and are planning to come out with specific that's awesome!!!

My favourite is Peppermint, Its fragrance is THE BEST!!

All my worries, problems etc just vanish away for a second when I sniff it!!
Just Poof!!
and that is why I keep picking Peppermint again and again....
When ever I feel like I need a change, I use the other ones....

Overall, I really like how this brand makes use of good, Natural elements, extracts, essentials oils to produce their products...

Its Important that we take care of ourselves and what better ways than to use products that serves the purpose and are good for us at the same time!!

I recommend you guys to buy at least one of these beauties and enjoy!!

Not only Lip balms, Cosmetic Junction Specializes in many body and skin care Yay!!

Do let me know, if you have tried any of their products!!
I would love to know!!

That's all for now, Until next time....
Keep analysing!!


Instagram Handle:  @cosmetic_junction

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Twitter : @theanvolyzer

Facebook : @theanvolyzer

****Samples received for PR purpose but it is a Honest Review****